Page 7 - AAA JULY-AUGUST 2012 Online Magazine
P. 7


                                                                                Pay parity for Air India
                                                                                Indian  civil  aviation  minister  Ajit  Singh
          STA converted                                                         released  a  recommendation  for  Air
                                                                                India’s  pay-parity  between  the  two
          ST  Aerospace  has  signed  agreements  with  Airbus,  EADS,  and  EADS  EFW  to   erstwhile  carriers,  Indian  Airlines  and
          collaborate on the A330 Passenger-to-Freighter (P2F) conversion programme. ST   Air India, that were officially merged in
          Aerospace will be technical lead during the A330P2F development phase, with first   2007. The implementation will start by
          service flights planned for 2016. The conversions will mainly done at EADS EFW’s   mid-July. Presently over 200 pilots are
          facility in Dresden, Germany, with the rest at ST Aerospace’s facility. EADS EFW will   on strike due to issues over pay parity
          also take up a role as ST Aerospace’s European MRO centre, filling a previous gap   and promotion linked to training on the
          in ST Aerospace’s global airframe MRO footprint. The A330P2F programme includes   27 Boeing 787s ordered by Air India. The
          two versions – the A330-200P2F and the larger A330-300P2F.            airline  has  cancelled  service  to  more
                                                                                than  20  international  destinations  and
          Safety                                                                is  suffering  losses  of  approximately
          First                                                                 US$2  million  a  day.  The  strike,  which
                                                                                resulted  in  the  termination  of  around
          says DGCA                                                             100  pilots,  has  not  affected  domestic
          After  a  near  famine                                                and  short-haul  international  flights,
          of    safety  affairs                                                 said a spokesperson.
          officers,  the  Indian
          Directorate  General
          of  Civil  Aviation  (DGCA)  will  get  130                           Cash for companies
          airworthiness officers in two months, DG    Phone - go home           The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
          E.K.  Bharat  Bhushan  told  AAA.  Bhushan                            (CAAS) has set up a S$5 million fund to
          explained  the  process  of  recruitment   Tired  of  check-in  queues?  France’s   assist  Singapore-registered  aviation
          was  complicated.  The  130  officers  will   Toulouse-Blagnac   Airport   is   to   companies  and  associations  to  build
          be  chosen  from  a  pool  of  around  1,300.   trial   phone-based   Near   Field   stronger   international   business.
          One of the major concerns the DGCA has   Communication  (NFC)  check-in  later   The  fund,  announced  by  Minister  for
          shown in the past has been for the ailing   this  year.  Fifty  selected  passengers   Transport  Lui  Tuck  Yew,  is  aimed  at
          Kingfisher Airlines, which has reduced its   will use BlackBerry phones to access   enabling sustained, long-term growth
          fleet from 66 to 16 in the past few months.   car  parking,  boarding  areas,  and  the   for  the  Singapore  aviation  industry
          Bhushan had said, “Kingfisher is severely   waiting  lounge.  The  SIM-based  NFC   in  the  face  of    challenges  such  as
          hamstrung for want of funds and we still   technology provides many benefits, say   increased  local  competition,  soaring
          do not have any clarity whether the airline   the  providers.  “Overall,  a  passenger   fuel costs and a weakening European
          will be able to defray its liabilities. We have   using  an  NFC-enabled  device  can   and global economy. The fund is aimed
          no  assurance  on  that.”  It  seems  as  the   be  processed  faster  than  any  of  the   at helping smaller businesses remain
          situation  remains  status  quo.  Bhushan   boarding  processes  available  today,”   competitive in the face of pressure on
          said, “We are conducting checks on them   said Renaud Irminger, implementation   costs and upcoming  liberalisation of
          (Kingfisher Airlines) every day.”   director of the project.          airspace regulations.

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