Page 5 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 5




                                            aIRPORT PlannIng
                                            12| Airport Expansion: Which way?
                                            The air transport business is expanding globally at an unprecedented
                                            rate. new airlines are springing up by the day, it seems. but is airport
                                            infrastructure equipped to handle the fleets of new planes arriving every
                                            year? We asked the experts – and the answer came back mixed

         18                                 MRO fEaTuRE
                                            18| MRO Asia: On the Up

                                            With air transport operations ballooning throughout asia, it is little wonder
                                            that OEMs and third party providers are expanding MRO  facilities across the
                                            region. in fact asia’s MRO market is projected to reach parity with that of the
                                            americas and Europe by 2021. but which are the real growth zones?

                                            InflIghT RETaIl
                                            26| High-level sales
                                            Traditionally, asian carriers have lagged behind other markets when it
                                            comes to in-flight sales. but as one of the world’s fastest-growing travel
                                            markets, with some 620 million passengers travelling the region every
                             26             revenue opportunities.
                                            year, airlines are realising the need to look at and utilise new and innovative

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