Page 5 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2013 Online Magazine
P. 5




                                            buSINeSS jetS
                                            14| Business in the Air

                                            The role of business aviation in China is a complex one. Demand is massive,
                                            regulation is tricky, competition is strong and the future is hard to map out.
                                            but confidence remains, and potential players are queuing up.
                                            18| China’s Choppers on the Rise
                             18             With the recent relaxation of airspace regulations, China’s helicopter market

                                            is finally starting to take off.

                                            AIR SHOw PReVIew
                                            23| Lining up at LIMA
                                            It’s time for LIMA once again, and the organisers are promising an even
                                            bigger, better, more accessible line up of technologies and manufacturers.

                                            26| Countering Wind Farm Interference

                                            CAnSO examines trials that demonstrate early success in mitigating
                                            interference caused by wind farm turbines.
          30                                teCHNOLOgy

                                            30| Giving the Bird
                                            nEC Corporation introduces a new system that they hope can deal with the
                                            bird strike problem at airports around the world.
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