Page 7 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 7


        more   importantly,  attractive  career  aviation as a career—and not just as a   “The  Singapore  government  is
        advancement opportunities.          pilot,” she said. The effort will start with   committed to this,” she emphasized.
           The value-added per worker in    promoting aviation’s potential to young   “We have to drive the synergies between
        aerospace is relatively high at US$150,000   school children to gain their interest early   industry, the product and the workforce.”
        – 50 per cent higher than the national   on, she said.                    Aircraft makers Boeing and Airbus
        average, and this is reflected in the quality   Singapore also plans to simplify   estimated major expansion of operator
        of jobs which tend to be skills intensive in   education and training processes for   fleets  across  the  Asian  region.  While
        terms of analytics, problem solving and   engineers. The current standards “can   Airbus forecast 39% of its ongoing sales
        organisation.  Moving forward, there will   deter some students,” said Teo, who   to 2033 will be in Asia, Boeing says
        be increasing competition for such skilled   added that the apprenticeship system may   expanding fleets will demand 224,000 new
        manpower.                           also be “optimized” to make access to   technicians by the same date.
           “Our  aviation  companies  must  certification easier and faster.      “The  supply  of  the  right  skills
        therefore enhance their attractiveness as   The last initiative is to prepare the   [regionally] is not yet fully ready to fulfill
        employers for Singaporeans. This country   existing aviation engineering workforce to   the aviation industry’s [future] needs,”
        has a tradition of a large and competent   be “skilled to meet the future,” Teo said.  warns Indonesia-based GMF AeroAsia
        local workforce, and today many of our   “The aerospace sector is very   spokesperson Mochamad Aviv.
        aviation-based courses at institutes of   important to us in Singapore,” she added.   Aviv says his company, the MRO
        further education are oversubscribed,”   Teo emphasized that the Singapore   subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia, has had
        she said.                           government is looking, through a specially   to develop a recruitment strategy that
           Teo said the government will pursue   convened committee, at ways it can work   meets immediate industry demands, yet
        a three-pronged approach to help the   with unions, industry, and government   at the same time prepares for projected
        aviation industry mitigate the problem.  agencies to ensure a stable, skilled   expansion.
           “First we will promote awareness of   workforce.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                            NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  7
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