Page 10 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 10


        Greening or Groaning?

        The Aviation Environment

        Despite aircraft becoming quieter and more efficient, the aviation industry is still
        highly visible. Noise, massive runways and non-renewable fuel usage illustrated by
        vapour trails are all easy targets for green critics. So what can operators do to the
        keep travellers and customers happy? AAA staff report

                                            ACCORdING  TO AIRbuS,  MORE  THAN   finding the innovative and intelligent
                                            56 million jobs  and US$2.2 trillion  of   solutions that will ensure the maximum
                                            GDP comes from the aviation industry; a   environmental  benefits  from  our
                                            staggering 3.5% of global GDP. If aviation   products,” says Fabrice Brégier, CEO
                                            were a country, it would rank 19th in global   Airbus. Brégier claims that since the
                                            output, as much as Poland or Switzerland.   1960s, fuel efficiency has improved by
                                            And it is getting bigger.           some 70% per passenger km, today’s
                                               Globally the sector is expanding.   aircraft are 75% quieter than those built
                                            Passenger demand doubles every 15 years   50 years ago, unburned hydrocarbons and
                                            and by 2050 it could be handling 16 billion   smoke has been cut by some 90%, and
                                            passengers and 400 million tonnes of   levels of carbon monoxide (CO) have come
                                            cargo every year. And in the process, having   down by 50%.
                                            an ever increasing environmental impact.   “Innovation,” he says, “is the driving
                                            The major players understand this – and   force of Airbus, and more than ever is
                                            they are aware of the importance of public   providing the solutions for aviation’s
                                            sentiment. Not only will it affect the bottom   sustainable future with the least possible
                                            line, it will affect  the  air our  children   impact on the environment. We don’t
                                            breathe, and the seas they swim in.  have all the answers and there are many
                                               “At Airbus we invest over €2 billion   challenges ahead, but we are committed
                                            each year in Research and Development;   to  continuously improve  and we  believe
                                            most of this investment is used towards   that innovation is the key,” he adds.
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