Page 8 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 8


                                                                                LEfT: A landing gear
                                                                                combines a multitude of parts,
                                                                                large and small, all of them
                                                                                intricately meshed
                                                                                OPPOSITE PAGE: Landing
                                                                                gear MRO is one of a few
                                                                                component MRO segments
                                                                                characteristic of a high
                                                                                proportion of labour
        Rick Anderson, vice president of Sales,   tracking during operations are especially   proper control and maintenance, it is able
        Boeing Commercial Aviation Services.   sensitive processes. This is exactly why   to withstand these stresses and perform to
                                            during long- and short-term lease it is   a desired standard,” comments Jurkstas.
        New Technologies                    critical to have prompt solutions in case   “A technician  should  inspect the  landing
        However, the market for landing gear MRO   of an aircraft on ground (AOG), bird strike,   gear including its wheels, tires, and
        is changing as older aircraft leave service   powerplant failure, in-flight shutdown   brakes whenever possible: any missing
        and newer types appear on the horizon.   or any insurance related discrepancies.   bolt is grounds for removal.”
        As a result, the major challenge for the   Optimal workscope preparation, material   For  this  reason, for some  time  many
        market is the increase in technological   management, and cost control as well   airlines have sub-contracted the landing
        advancements in the aircraft.       as maintenance reserves compensation   gear overhaul work to organisations with
           Lufthansa  Technik  official  says  and final  invoice reviews before,  during   commensurate equipment and know-how.
        it cooperates in basic research with   and after a shop visit may potentially   Before each and every flight the
        universities, for instance in pioneering   cut the expenses by up to 50 per cent.   landing gear oleos, tires and brakes are
        the automated stripping of landing gear   By  launching  a  new  range  of  consulting   inspected by mechanics and flight crew.
        components, which  reduces undesirable   services, we aim to provide just that   For example, after no more than 120
        material stress. “We’re also anticipating   – proper expert advice on the ways to   months of flight operations a Boeing 747
        future technologies such as HVOF, Zn-  ensure reasonable technical condition   landing gear is fully overhauled. Generally,
        Ni plating and composite parts. All these   and residual value of our clients’ highly-  the so-called D-check full overhaul will
        efforts  ensure that  Lufthansa Technik  is   valuable assets,” says Deividas Jurkstas,   become due before expiry of this period.
        ready for new materials, manufacturing   the Head of Engines and Components   Depending upon the airplane type, the
        methods and repair processes as soon as   Management Department at FL Technics.  D-check is due every six to eight years, at
        they are implemented,” he says.                                         which time it is completely disassembled,
           According to FL Technics, during  Making it Stand                    checked, repaired as necessary and
        2015  –  2018  Airbus  A320,  Boeing  737   A full landing gear overhaul is a task for   reassembled. This likewise holds good for
        and  Bombardier  CRJ200  aircraft  type   specialists that requires the use of special   the landing gear. During the course of this
        Engine and APU segment is expected to   tools, equipment and technology.  operation the landing gear is examined
        generate a significant increase in shop   “Certainly, life is hard for an aircraft   to locate the smallest signs of damage
        visit and maintenance demand. In turn, it   landing gear, as it supports the entire   such as tiny fractures or any indication of
        will cause a surge in short-term and long-  weight of an aircraft during landing and   corrosion. “The aircraft is first jacked up
        term spare lease asset activity.    ground operations. Moreover, additional   for the removal of tires and brakes; the
           “As the value of a spare engine asset   wear or damage can result from extended   landing gear legs, which weigh many tons,
        may range anywhere between US$0.5 and   taxiing, short field or hard landings   are then removed to a specialist workshop.
        US$6 million, proper delivery/re-delivery   and exposure to extreme operational   Next, the landing gear legs are thoroughly
        process management and performance   conditions and elements. However, with   cleaned and completely disassembled
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