Page 8 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 8


        and  analyze  a  significant  amount  of  engine   years of testing to be collated and analysed,   provider for A320neo and B737MAX, is clear
        data should allow us to optimize the engine   faster than ever before.   on the future of Big Data, “Big Data has the
        MRO actions through Pronostic and Health   GE has quickly moved ahead in the   potential to fundamentally change the MRO
        Monitoring  developments and associated   application of data analytics and earlier this   industry, but  this will  require significant
        preventive maintenance actions.” It is this   year, announced the creation of a new Digital   investments and time,” Jeremy Remacha CEO
        data analysis capability that will be key to   Solutions business within GE Aviation to   SR Technics told Asian Airlines & Aerospace
        customisation of the LEAP Family engine   bring all of its digital expertise from across   in an email response, “Access to data and the
        maintenance programme and in-shop engine   Aviation into one business. An estimated   ability to analyse information can lead to
        workscope to the actual individual engine   35,000 GE and GE partner engines are   improved reliability, greater predictability,
        operating conditions and the approach has   monitored daily, and the quantum of data   and  ultimately,  improved  safety,”  he
        been a key contributor to the optimisation   generated by a modern large turbofan can be   observed. SR  Technics recently announced,
        of the LEAP maintenance costs.  The data   gauged from the fact that two GEnX engines   that its shareholder Mubadala had agreed to
        generated will also be vitally important   can generate 1 TB of data per day! In July, GE   sell 80 percent of its shares in SR Technics to
        during the development of follow-on engine   announced that one of the first customers for   HNA Aviation and retain a 20 percent stake
        variants and is expected to substantially   digital solutions built on GE’s Predix platform   in the company. Further expansion into the
        reduce  the  time  needed  for  such  efforts.   was  flydubai.  GE’s  Network  Operations   fast-growing Asia-Pacific market is one of
        The benefits of predictive analysis or Big   Insights solution at flydubai aimed to   the company’s key priorities, says Remacha.
        Data  can  be  realised  when  one  considers   help the low-cost carrier to minimize the   SR Technics opened its 160,000 square foot
        that Safran analysed the experience of 800   impact of unavoidable delays, enhance pilot   facility  in Kuala  Lumpur  two years  ago  and
        hundred million flight hours on the CFM56,   operational understanding,  while optimally   the  Malaysian  entity  has  the  capability  for
        to make sure that all the lessons learned   protecting schedules and revenue. The real-  over 750 part numbers with a focus on the
        were built in the LEAP design. The company   time tools allow flydubai to understand the   Airbus A320 family, the A330, the A340 and
        also spent years before design freeze to   impact  of  potential  operational  disruptions   the Boeing 737NG.
        prove  technologies  on  component,  module   and the ability to minimise any such impact
        and engine tests and extensive flight test   on their network.          3D Printing and Additive
        campaigns  were used  to perform  engine   Zurich based,  SR  Technics a leading  Manufacturing
        stress tests typical airline operations.   component MRO services provider for A320   3D printing (additive layer manufacturing)
        Predictive analysis will allow the data from   and B737 Family operators and also an MRO   has made giant strides in the past few years.

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