Page 6 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 6


        FeAtUre SINGLE ISLELe

        Game Changers

        The business aviation market is expected to recover from 2018 as new models
        enter service
        By Geoffrey Thomas

                                            For  YeArs, nArroW  BodY 737  And   directly or by example and have set a global
                                            A320 style aircraft have been almost an   bench mark for value and service. Sales for
                                            afterthought in Asia with legacy airline fleets   180-seat  narrow  bodies  in  Asia  up  to  2002
                                            dominated by wide-bodies to handle slot   were  confined  more  to  regional  networks
                                            constrained airports such as Narita and Kai   supporting legacy airlines such as All
                                            Tak. For many  years’  analysts insisted  that   Nippon Airways (ANA) and Malaysia Airlines,
                                            the U.S. and European low cost carrier (LCC)   although small regional carriers such as Cebu
                                            model would never work in Asia because the   Pacific were emerging. Fast forward to 2017
                                            seat mile costs of Singapore Airlines and   and A320 and 737 sales in the Asia region are
                                            Cathay Pacific were so low. In fact, the Hong   significant.
                                            Kong-based airline first brushed off the
                                            threat of LCCs by saying  it would  discount  Market Drivers
                                            the backend of its 777-300s to counter any   In Boeing’s Global Market Forecast it states
                                            threat. The problem for  the legacy  carriers   on Asia overall that it “is gaining prominence
                                            was that Air Asia’s  Tony Fernandes wasn’t   in global aviation and is expected to
        Malaysia Airlines Berhad            listening nor could their 777s fly to a host of   become the world’s leading travel market.
        (Malaysia  Airlines)  has           out of the way cities and towns that make   Total air traffic for the region is forecast
        placed orders for 25 737            up the bulk of the LCC networks. AirAsia and   to grow at an average of 6.2 per cent, and
        MAX 8 airplanes,  valued at
        US$2.75  billion  dollars at        its host of JV airlines and the Jetstar group   by 2035, passenger traffic throughout
        current list prices                 have changed the landscape of Asia either   Asia will constitute 48.7 per cent of global
        6   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  APRIL / MAY 2017                        WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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