Page 12 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 12

Headline News

       Tiger completes Mandala move

                                                                                         passengers,  passenger  seat
                                                                                         revenue  increased  by  2.8%
                                                                                         to  S$139.9  million  from
                                                                                         $136.1  million,  resulting
                                                                                         from a 16.9% increase in av-
                                                                                         erage passenger fares.
                                                                                           Total expenses increased
                                                                                         by  26.0%  in  the  Quarter
                                                                                         compared  to  the  same
                                                                                         quarter last year, primarily
                                                                                         due the fact that fuel prices
                                                                                         were up by a third. increase
                                                                                         in  fuel  prices.  Whilst  seat
                                                                                         capacity in the Quarter re-
                                                                                         duced 2.7%, compared to the
                                                                                         same  period  last  year,  the
                                                                                         average  size  of  the  Group
                                                                                         fleet increased 38.8% in the
                                                                                         Quarter and as a result, to-
                                                                                         tal expenses excluding fuel
                                                                                         increased  18.2%.  Unit  cost
                                                                                         metrics were also impacted
                                                                                         by  the  under-utilisation  of
       Tiger  Airways  Holdings  will  adopt  the  Tiger  Air-  the  successful  completion  the Group’s aircraft fleet.
       has  taken  a  33%  stake  in  ways  business  model,  and  of this investment with our   The  financial  results  for
       Indonesian  carrier  Man-  plans to offer low fare travel  valued  partners.  We  take  the Quarter were impacted
       dala  through  its  wholly-  to international and domes-  great pride in helping to re-  by  the  under-utilisation  of
       owned  subsidiary  in  Sin-  tic Indonesian destinations  turn Mandala, a well-loved  the  Tiger  Airways  Austra-
       gapore, Roar Aviation.     within a 5-hour flying radi-  Indonesian icon, to the skies  lia’s aircraft fleet following
          Mandala  has  undergone  us. Like other airlines in the  of Indonesia.”        the suspension by the Civil
       a  financial  restructuring  Tiger  Airways  Group,  the   The  news  came  as  the  Aviation  Safety  Author-
       ,  which  means  the  largest  restructured  airline  would  group  recorded a loss af-  ity  of  Australia  in  the  pri-
       shareholder is now the Sara-  also  operate  Airbus  A320  ter tax of S$17.4 million for  or  quarter.  Tiger  Airways
       toga group, which will hold  aircraft.                 the quarter, compared to a  Australia  recorded  an  op-
       a  51.3%  stake.  The  remain-  Chief  Executive  Officer  S$22.5  million  profit  after  erating loss of S$8.6 million
       ing 15.7% will be held by the  of  Tiger  Airways  Holdings  tax for the quarter ended 31  in the quarter, compared to
       previous  shareholders  and  Limited,  Chin  Yau  Seng,  December 2010 - as the un-  a  S$5.9  million  operating
       creditors of Mandala.      said,  “We  are  pleased  to  der utilisation of the carri-  profit  in  the  same  quarter
          The next stage of the pro-  have  completed  this  trans-  er’s Australian fleet follow-  last year.
       cess is to reactivate Manda-  action, and are excited about  ing last year’s grounding by   “Since the resumption of
       la’s  Air  Operator’s  Certifi-  the  re-launch  of  Mandala’s  regulators hit results.  services in August 2011, Ti-
       cate, which has been frozen  operations once its AOC has   Passenger  numbers  and  ger  Airways  Australia  has
       since  the  suspension  of  its  been  reactivated.  Mandala  seat  capacity  were  12.0%  continued  to  see  improve-
       operations in January  last  is the first of Tiger Airways’  and 2.7% lower, respective-  ments in its operations, on
       year. The AOC is expected  joint  venture  “Cubs”  and  ly, in the quarter compared  the back of a renewed focus
       to  be  reactivated  in  Febru-  represents a significant step  to the same period last year,  on reliability and punctual-
       ary 2012, after which flight  in our efforts to expand our  due to the under-utilisation  ity. However, it continues to
       sales will commence ahead  “paw-print” in this region.”  of  the  Tiger  Airways  Aus-  operate  a  smaller  network
       of the resumption of flights   Sandiaga Uno, Founding  tralia fleet as a result of its  and  schedule  compared  to
       in April 2012.             Partner  of  Saratoga  group  reduced flying programme.  the period prior to the sus-
          The  restructured  airline  said, “We are delighted by  Despite  the  reduction  in  pension,” notes Tiger.

       12  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  January/February 2012                               
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