Page 13 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 13

Headline News

       EADS undergoes


       Tom Enders is taking over  company  and  pursue
       as CEO of EADS from June  other objectives. Hans
       this year, with his position  Peter  Ring  will  be
       as  CEO  of  Airbus  being  preparing  his  succes-
       taken  by  the  current  COO  sor  for  this  transition
       of the aircraft manufactur-  over the next months,
       er,  Fabrice  Brégier.  Günter  and will remain close
       Butschek,  presently  head  to him as a senior ad-
       of operations, will become  visor until the end of
       chief  operating  officer  at  2012.
       the airframer.                Marwan  Lahoud,                                               Tom Enders is to be
          The moves form part of a  whose     mandate                                              the new CEO of EADS
       reshuffle  that  will  also  see  comes  up  for  renew-
       Jean-Claude Trichet, the for-  al,  is  reappointed  as   He  continues  to  represent  has a wide range of experi-
       mer  president  of  the  Euro-  Chief Strategy and Market-  EADS  in  the  Board  of  Di-  ence across our businesses,
       pean Central Bank, join the  ing Officer (CSMO). Thierry  rectors of Patria in Finland.  but strong leadership skills
       board of directors.        Baril will assume the role of   Outgoing  EADS  CEO  and  charisma  with  an  es-

          Other      management  Head of Human Resources  Louis  Gallois  stated:  “The  tablished track record. I am
       moves  at  EADS    include;  (HR) for EADS; he will re-  management  is  grateful  sure that he will extend his
       Harald Wilhelm will become  tain  his  duties  as  Head  of  that  the  Board  has  taken  vision for EADS in the best
       Chief Financial Officer (CFO)  Airbus  HR  together  with  these  wide-ranging  deci-  interest of all its stakehold-
       of EADS, alongside his pres-  his  expanded  responsibil-  sions,  in  a  dispassionate  ers and in particular of the
       ent role as CFO of Airbus, fol-  ity. Jussi Itävuori leaves the  climate,  and  timely  to  fa-  great  community  of  em-
       lowing  the  request  of  Hans  company  after  ten  years  cilitate a professional tran-  ployees  working  together
       Peter Ring to retire from the  as  Head  of  HR  for  EADS.  sition. Tom Enders not only  across our nations.“

                                                                                         “In the past year, 191 airlines
       Mango and Simpliflying in tie-up have  joined  Twitter,  which
                                                                                         is  more  than  the  number  of
       Mango  Aviation  Partners,a  ports, and aviation as a whole  ambitious  and  growing  air-  loyalty  programs.  Though,
       specialist supplier of aviation  lags other retail industries is  ports, all operating in an in-  only 85 are active on the plat-
       services  and  Simpliflying,  a  in  its  detailed  understand-  creasingly  competitive  mar-  form, and 28 form 80% of the
       strategy  firm  that  helps  air-  ing  of  the  requirements  of  ket,  is  all  about  establishing  tweets.  So  certainly  airlines
       lines  engage  travellers  prof-  so many air travellers. Even  enduring and profitable busi-  need  guidance  on  how  to
       itably,  have  joined  forces  to  today, far  too often, custom-  nesses.  By  partnering  with  develop  strategies  to  drive
       offer airlines and airports ad-  ers come  second  in  aviation  Simpliflying,  we  believe  we  specific goals, rather than just
       vice and support in commu-  decision-making,  in  many  can offer airlines and airports  running contests on such so-
       nicating with passengers.  cases  simply    through    a  means  and  solutions  to  bet-  cial media platforms.”

          Andrew  Cowen,  Mango  lack of appreciation  of trav-  ter  understand  travellers  on   Nigam  added:  “Mango
       Managing Partner explained:  eller  needs  and  how  they  their terms, and more sharply  makes  an  ideal  partner  to
       “In our view, aviation dereg-  perceive  airline  and  airport  focus their customer offering  SimpliFlying  due  to  its  ex-
       ulation  has  brought  much  delivery “                in those areas that travellers  pertise  and  focus  on  airline
       needed competition and in-    Cowen highlighted: “Man-  truly  value  and  drive  their  start-ups, who are in need of
       creasing consumer choice to  go’s  extensive  work  with  airline/airport choices.”  effectively  engaging  travel-
       the travellers of today. How-  start-up  and  high  growth,   Shashank Nigam, CEO of  lers to drive revenue, loyalty
       ever, where airlines and air-  emerging  carriers,  and  with  Simpliflying,   commented:  and other goals.”

                                                                                                                13                                                 January/February 2012  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS
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